Insert OLE Objects into a Table using MS Access VBA

To store the OLE object in database, user can use CreateEmbed method. In this article we demonstrate how the object of particular class is stored in OLE field. We can store any kind of OLE object like as Bitmap images, snapshots, photoshop image, Microsoft graft chart and we can also stores the Microsoft word, excel, power-point file as object. In this article we visually demonstrate the all the important steps to accomplish this.

Firstly we need to create table, that is for storing the path, extension, oleClass. After this create a form as shown in Fig 1.1. On the header section we need to specify the Folder path , extension and OLEClass as we specify in Fig 1.1. And other fields keep bound with table corresponding fields.

Insert OLE objects in table using MS Access VBA Fig 1.1


After code on "load files", we need to test it. When we are click on button, then the OLE object is stored in table fields as show in Fig 1.2. We can view the OLE object just by click on that field.

Insert OLE objects in table using MS Access VBA Fig 1.2


VBA code:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdbtn_Click()
Dim fld_nam As String
Dim fld_path As String
Dim fld_file As String
fld_nam = Me!SearchFolder
fld_path = fld_nam & "\" & "*." & [SearchExtension]
fld_file = Dir(fld_path, vbNormal)
Do While Len(fld_file) <> 0
OLEPath = fld_nam & "\" & fld_file
OLEFile.Class = [OLEClass]
OLEFile.OLETypeAllowed = acOLEEmbedded
OLEFile.SourceDoc = [OLEPath]
OLEFile.Action = acOLECreateEmbed
fld_file = Dir
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
End Sub


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